Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hold Me Down

Have you heard the Robbie Seay Band's song "Slow Me Down?" It's a recent favorite of mine and should probably be made my life theme song seeing the pace I've been flying at lately. You can stream it by clicking on the bottom right of the band's website http://www.robbieseayband.com/rich-and-poor/streaming/. If you've never heard it before, listen! I was introduced to it for the first time at our church a month or two ago and it has stuck with me. Or at least a version of it has.

A couple of weeks ago, I was running around the house like a crazy lady, trying to get all of us girls up, showered and dressed and over to Seattle by 9 AM for church where Graham was doing the music. I was closely mimicking a hurricane when I caught myself singing "Hold me down oh Lord hold me down. Help my heart to hear Your sound. Speak in too my life Lord speak now. Hold me down oh Lord hold me down." I knew I hadn't sung the song quite right but it took me a while to figure out what I'd done wrong; I'd replaced the phrase "slow me down" with "hold me down." Honest mistake, I'm sure.

But then over the course of the past 2 weeks, I've found myself singing these incorrect lyrics on numerous occasions, most often when I was attempting to do no less than 5 things at the same time. Then it struck me. Some people need to be slowed down. But some people, some people (ahem- ME), require being held down to truly stop and tune in to what the Lord is doing in their life, to see the gifts and blessings He freely gives. When I first sang these words, I laughed. But then I realized it was no mistake but rather the Lord was speaking to me. I needed to STOP! 

This weekend was wonderful because I did just that. I stopped. I got my first sunburn of 2012. I played with my kids. I talked to my husband. I read a book. I socialized with friends. I celebrated the Sabbath. I didn't grocery shop or run errands or freak out that I hadn't done either of the aforementioned and it was wonderful. This weekend, with temperatures in the 60s, was a gift!

So I'm officially changing the lyrics of this song in my house. I'm giving God full permission to put me in a head lock and tackle me if that's what it takes to get my attention and make me to stop. I need it. "Hold me down oh Lord, hold me down!"

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