Friday, April 27, 2012

Isla: 2 years, 8 months (32 mo)

Isla has more or less lived in swimsuits, underwear and pj's and varying combinations of each for the past week. She had a friend over the other day and the 2 of them were playing quietly upstairs. Before we knew what was going on, they showed up downstairs, Isla in a swimsuit and her friend in Isla's pj's. Thus began an hour long episode of dress-up, followed by what is now going on about a week long of "dress-up" for Isla.

This friend was potty-trained which I think helped re-spark some interest in the whole ordeal for Isla. She's been asking to wear underwear (which she usually tops with a swimsuit) every day and so I've been letting her give it a go. We've had a couple of accidents on the carpet but then on Tuesday morning she woke up with a dry diaper, I put her on the potty and she went! HOORAY! We've had almost daily successes now. I'm thrilled! She's looking forward to riding the city bus to the park (Juanita!) as a reward.
Isla very interested in the concept of time right now. She frequently throws a "yesterday"or "last night" or "on Saturday" into her sentences, though she doesn't seem to have any idea what it means. One of her most-used phrases is "That's sort of silly" which she says whenever she sees something she feels is out of place. For instance, a car on display INSIDE Costco or a man pushing a dog in a stroller...

She is definitely at the age where she takes everything literally. The other day she was asking for something and my hands were full. I asked her if she could please hold on a minute. She immediately grabbed my arm and said "Ok Mom, I hold on" and didn't let go. Ha! And then there was the time I made the mistake of telling her that her wipes couldn't go in the toilet (after she'd already thrown one in there) so she quickly retrieved it. Oops.
The vast majority of our toys go unused as of late. Isla spends most of the day carrying her babies and stuffed animals from room to room, putting them down for naps in the pack n' play, feeding them breakfast in the highchair, letting them play in the exersaucer etc etc. She also loves to take all the kitchen chairs and form them in a circle so they are facing each other and set up tea parties for the babies. Sometimes I feel like I have 4 kids because often we have to wait until Ducky has his shoes on or until baby is buckled into the back seat before we can go anywhere. The other day she finally gave her two babies names: "Jelly" and "Emma."
Isla loves to color. I've been saving some of her artwork because I find it so fascinating! It is very linear and almost symmetric with lots of straight lines and squares. It totally speaks to me and my need for symmetry! She is also learning to write some of the letters of the alphabet. So far, she can make the letters I, L and O.

She seems to really enjoy a full social schedule. Often one of the first things she says to me when she wakes up in the morning is "Who's coming over today?" I just LOVE her personality, the funny things she says and her tender heart. She's a beauty!

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