Thursday, August 27, 2009

Howdy all, this is Graham doing a "guest" post. We are all doing well. Isla is sleeping well today listening to some Mozart after feeding every 2 hours last night. I just sent Kelsie upstairs for a mandatory nap. I'm going to post as many pictures as I can here over the next couple days
The new grandpas
Proud papa and mama

getting footprints, not liking it

opening eyes for the first time

The new family.

New knit hat by Stewart Bowerman

Getting checked out day 2

The dress didn't fit but she's still cute

In the car seat about to go home

Cradle (made by Grandpa Joe) in our bedroom with Kelsie's bear from her childhood

Nursery with art by Daddy

Sleeping with daddy

Matching arm bracelets

"Do I look good in pink?"

Being held by Grandma Robin.
..... more later, Team Crozier.


  1. YAY! So cute!! Congrats you guys.

    One other bit of unsolicited advice we forgot to share last night....

    Sleep when baby sleeps (even in the day time). It's a big help (though hard to actually make yourself do). I always ended up just staring at baby while she slept rather than sleeping along with her..

    PS - love the art!

  2. Congratulations, she is adorable. Enjoy your newest addition.

  3. YAY! Thanks for posting more pics Graham. Love the hat by Stew - that's awesome. :)
