Saturday, August 22, 2009

What I've Been Up To

I've pretty much spent this entire week on the couch either reading, watching tv/netflix or e-mailing. I'm really horrible at being "sick" and don't lay around well so by day 3, I was getting ancy (despite feeling icky) and needed to do something to keep my hands busy. I decided that all the recipes I'd clipped out of magazines over the years were beckoning me, begging to be organized (as I'm sure this won't be a priority after baby arrives!) So I went to work...

You should see how many recipe cut outs I have! I mean, when I went off to college, the floor of my bedroom closet at my parents house was covered in 3 foot stacks of cooking magazines that I'd collected over the years (and that was 7 years ago!) Gradually, I worked my way through each and every one of the them, clipping out the recipes that interested me and recycling the magazines so I wasn't a pack rat coming into our marriage.

It was high time to put these clippings in usable form so I spent two of these sick days categorizing the recipes, taping them onto sheets of scratch paper and putting them into protective sleeves in a big binder (so that any kitchen spills cannot damage them). I even played around with food pictures to create the individual title pages for each category. Normally, I don't think I would go into this much detail but with Graham off working 12 hour shifts and me home alone bored, I went all out!
I'm sure I will continue to find and clip recipes that look interesting to me but I'll guess I'll just have to set them aside for the next sick day.

Speaking of sickness, I'm hoping I'm on the mend. I don't feel great yet but at least think I'll be able to leave the house today (which is good because we have an infant CPR class to attend and also wanted to purchase a video camera and baby monitor--things I was hoping to get done this week but couldn't).

In other news, I went to Safeway on Thursday only to realize my credit card was missing. Hmmm.....I hadn't left the couch since Monday so that meant it had been gone for THREE days. After a few minutes of heart racing, I ran home HOPING it was in the pocket of the outfit I was wearing on Monday (and if you've been around me lately, you'd be impressed that I was able to even recall what I was wearing on Monday!!!!) Now if only I could find the grape juice concentrate I set out to thaw on Thursday....I thought I set it out in the fridge but it doesn't seem to be there....I'm a little nervous about where it might show up.

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