Friday, August 7, 2009


I so should not be allowed out of the house right now! Or maybe I shouldn't be allowed to work 5 day work weeks anymore in my current state. It's like my brain has completely short wired. I cannot make decisions. And I'm not talking about major decisions. I'm talking about any decision. Period.

I just tried to grocery shop at Fred Meyer and it took me MORE THAN AN HOUR AND A HALF!! I couldn't decide:

-How many apricots to buy
-Whether I wanted any yogurt
-Do I need buffalo?
-Should I buy 100% juice, some fake juice drink, pop or sparkling water for our picnic tomorrow?
-Should I make a separate trip to Trader Joe's to buy sun-dried tomatoes since they're so expensive here?
-What's "Italian bread"? Would french bread be a good substitute?
-Should I buy ingredients the ice cream cake dessert I want Graham to make for me for my bday as a hint?
-What color of nail polish do I want?

The whole thing finally ended in the baby section with me trying to pick out take-home-from-the-hospital outfits for both a boy and girl. BAD IDEA! 45 minutes later...I finally gave up and grabbed 2 things and ran.

When I went out to my car, I found I'd left the trunk wide open.....someone HELP!


  1. Oh dear...welcome to the club. Er, um...I'd say it gets better, but I'm often afraid it doesn't. I'll get back to you on that one...

  2. Kelsie, I've been reading your blog for a while now, but haven't posted any comments. You are a fabulous blogger and I enjoy your insights and all the little funny things that happen. You are such a talented writer.
    I've been thinking a lot about you lately because I am taking a Food Science and Human Nutrition class at the University of Hawaii. I can't wait to see pictures of baby Crozier!
