Tuesday, March 2, 2010

27 Weeks

Not a whole lot to report on this week that I haven't mentioned already....We continue to work on solids and I'll just say there very well may be a pot of black beans simmering on the stove tomorrow. (What could be better than smashed black beans with avocado??!)

I think we can officially say that Isla is sitting up! She still requires supervision but she'll do it for a minute or two at a time. Of course there are also the times where she only lasts 2 seconds before she falls but those are becoming much less frequent.
I've noticed this week that Isla is really hands-on into everything. She wants to reach, touch, grab, hold anything and everything. Her hands are always busy. She's probably been doing this for a while now but we actually made note of the fact that she was intentionally transferring an object from one hand to the other on Sunday.

Isla has been such a GREAT sleeper while she's been sick. I really do hope she gets better fast but I'm kinda hoping she keeps this sleep schedule. She's been taking awesome naps and has been doing 10-12 hour stretches at night, gradually moving her morning feed later and later. And she's cut out the middle-of-the-night waking for the most part. I'm not counting on this lasting....but it would be nice...
Seems so comical to me now, given Graham and my long, skinny faces, that I ever worried about Isla not having a round, cute baby face...  :o)


  1. love her grin in the first picture, such a cutie!

  2. She is adorable. I was up by your place today for Hailey's 1 year check up. I thought about you (and the box of clothes I have waiting). I hadn't planned well, or else I would have tried to stop by. We're going back on march 30th - maybe we'll meet up then?

  3. I love the last photo in this post. Isla is certainly a beautiful little girl. Such delicate eyebrows and those big eyes!! Enjoy every moment!
