Friday, April 15, 2011



We had our ultrasound yesterday and were thrilled to discover that we are having a..................

Sorry. That's truly all we know and there is no going back to find out the gender now as it falls off the report once parents request it be kept a surprise. I did ask our ultrasound technician if she was able to tell what we're having had we changed our minds and wanted to know. She was a bit vague, indicating baby didn't quite cooperate which also makes me wonder if baby is a girl since she is questioning. But then Graham thought it was a boy as he thought he "saw something" when she first put the probe on my belly. I was watching the whole time and saw nothing Regardless, we were thrilled to see our little one and to learn that all looks healthy and well!

Graham and I were both struck by how much this baby's facial profile resembled that in Isla's ultrasound pictures (gosh, it's like they're related!) So much so in fact that we asked the technician if babies always have the slightly upturned little noses at this gestation. She confirmed that a lot do but definitely not all. It looks as though this baby has my nose! I know Isla's neck is in sort of a weird position in the picture I have but check the similar nose/mouth shape (this baby on top, Isla below): 
Maybe I'm crazy and all baby's profiles look like this? I'm choosing to enjoy the idea of a little look-a-like though!


  1. GIRL - Josie's ultrasound looked so different from our boys. The boys heads were bigger...Josie's look petite as did her upturned nose so I totally guess your having another girl. Either way so fun!..oh and what's with the twins title? I gasped :)

  2. The video is so cool! I think it's a boy. : )

  3. Oops! That was actually me, not mom.
