Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Weeks 19 to 21

                  (photo taken 4/6/11 at 19 weeks)                        (photo taken 4/20/11 at 21 weeks)

We're over halfway there!!!!!

Well, it has finally happened. Over the past couple weeks, I've really started to feel pregnant! As in I can no longer bend over to pick things up off the floor without grunting and breathing is a bit more difficult when I'm in the sitting position. I hate to admit this but it even takes just a wee bit of self-motivational mental talk to get myself up off low surfaces such as the couch or my bed. And baby is just getting big enough to put some nice pressure on my bladder when I exercise which is a super lovely feeling. I'd been putting off painting my toenails (for lack of time) and finally realized the other day that I'd better MAKE time......while I can still reach them. I don't mean to make it sound all bad though as the last couple weeks have been packed with incredible joys too. I just find it so crazy how carrying a baby can quickly convert a young, energetic woman to one who shares quite a few similarities with those in their upper decades. :)

Our ultrasound on the 12th brought a permanent grin to my face. There definitely were a few drips of moisture that fell out of my eyes as I was laying there watching the screen. Tears? Maybe. Or it could have been gravity (does that ever happen to anyone else when lying in the dentist chair and gravity just starts pulling liquid out of your eyes?!) Anyway, I'll keep most of these thoughts strictly in my head, but I was overcome by a sense of wonder seeing our baby in there, realizing we MADE him/her!! And how I've hardly had to do any work and yet there is this little person with 10 fingers and toes and a spine and a rib cage and a mouth that opens and closes swimming around in there. Amazing! After "seeing" our little one for the first time, I think we're having a girl and Graham thinks we're having a boy.

The day after my last pregnancy post, Graham felt our baby kick for the first time (on April 4th at 18 1/2 weeks!) Over the past couple weeks, baby has been somersaulting and cartwheeling (or something) and creating quite the show which is quite the delight. I was able to actually see my belly jump for the first time on April 12th, just shy of 20 weeks. It is so nuts how early everything is happening this time around. I asked my doctor about it and he said it's because all the ligaments "in there" are looser and so that somehow makes movement more noticeable. He also said I am likely just more in tune to what a baby feels like the 2nd time around.

I had a good couple weeks there of solid sleep at night although my new waking time of 6:30 AM seems set in stone. But I'm not complaining! I'm thrilled to have found enough comfortable positions to have a break from the frequent night wakings. I think these glorious stretches of sleep are limited, however as my belly is just getting big enough that it is awkward to lay on my side. Sigh.

I have the pregnancy "glow" (i.e. increased oil production that results in massive breakouts, worse than my teenage years!) Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?) my "glow" is only on the right lower side of my face. It's been here for over a month now which is rather embarrassing but I'm hoping rays of sunshine will soon make it go away.

Another highlight of the last couple weeks is that my headaches are finally gone!!! I took me a while to realize but one day it hit me that I hadn't taken my daily dose of Tylenol for a day or two. That day or two has turned into a week or two and I'm hoping I'm free and clear now!

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