Friday, April 1, 2011


Yesterday was "Daddy Day" (i.e. I had to work and Graham was off). The happenings of the day warmed my heart and I came home ever-thankful for my thoughtful, creative husband who also happens to be a pretty awesome Dad. He called me at just after 9 AM as he was heading out the door. What? It is only on extraordinarily rare occasions that Isla and I have even finished breakfast by 9 AM on the average day, let alone be dressed and ready to head out on an adventure at that time. Apparently I am married to super Dad!

I checked my phone at lunch and saw that he'd texted me a picture of their morning together which included finding perfect rainy day entertainment at the indoor kids play toys at Bellevue Square. Why can't I ever think of these things? Apparently Isla loved the slide. They also made a brief stop at the library.

When I arrived home shortly after 5 PM, I was greeted at the door by my sweet girl who ran to give me a hug. I slept in clean sheets last night (courtesy of my husband!) and enjoyed a lovely family dinner together via candlelight, accompanied by wine glassed filled with strawberry lemonade. I noticed that my pan of jello had diminished significantly and later learned that Isla got her first taste of jigglers (the things that happen when mommy is away...) :) Isla and I are lucky girls to have such a great guy!

Oh and Graham captured the following video which (only partially) illustrates the rather hilarious way Isla gets on her potty (in the past, she was never able to back onto it like she did in the end of this video).


  1. I really hope that potty was clean! ;) Too cute.

    Sounds like Graham is quite the stay at home dad. Have you thought about renting him out? I bet you could make a small fortune giving the moms around the area a break...

  2. Awesome, Super Dad! Too cute! :)
