Sunday, March 27, 2011


We are focusing on contentment in the Crozier household because, well, we have a whole lot to be thankful for. This topic has come up a lot lately surrounding conversations about our home. Although we would LOVE to sell it and get into something bigger with a yard for a family of four, we have made the decision that we will continue to call our lovely abode home for the next while. Define "while?" Well, I wish I could. We sort of assuming we are on a 3 year plan at this point, but who knows? Hopefully we will be pleasantly surprised with the means to make a move sooner than that but for sure we aren't planning to make any housing changes until Graham is done with school.

And so, in the spirit of thankfulness, I would like to share with some some of the many wonderful things about our place:

1) The square footage is limited. Though some might view this as a negative, I am growing more and more grateful for the reduced surface area I am and will be required to clean as I prepare to be an even busier mother of 2 with a husband who is gone most days of the week.
2) I don't have to mow the yard. And neither does Graham. We have landscapers who do that!!! And it's a good thing too because I'm pretty sure we'd have grass up to our ears if this wasn't the case.
3) I have a master bathroom to call my own. Many of the popular craftsman Seattle houses aren't so fortunate.
4) We currently have no next door neighbors. This means we can be as loud as we want (not like we ever are really that loud) but more importantly, we don't have loud neighbors banging on our one potentially shared wall.
5) I have space for a small patio garden. And let's be honest: could I really keep up with the full blown garden of my dreams at this point in my life? I think not. All I really need are some fresh herbs and some flowers to cheer me anyway.
6) I live in Kirkland!!!! I love this city.
7) I have green walls. And that makes me very happy.
8) There are some great walking trails and parks within a 5-10 minute's drive.
9) One of my favorite walking buddies lives 5 minutes away.
10) I could walk to Trader Joe's if I wanted to. I can also walk to Safeway, Albertson's, the dry cleaner, Starbucks, Dairy Queen, Blockbuster etc. And there is a swimming beach an easy 15 minute run away.
11) We can afford to pay our mortgage!! Enough said?

We have much to be grateful for.

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