Monday, March 14, 2011

15 Weeks

(photo taken 3/9/11)

It's been a bumpy week (no pun intended!) here at the Crozier's but things are definitely looking up! Pregnancy-wise, things have been quite good. I have had a nasty little cold all week that sent me to bed for a couple of days but I'm feeling much better now!

I had an appointment last Monday and got to hear the heartbeat. Well, sort of. Turns out, the babe was kicking up a complete storm and causing tons of interference which was awesome. In the 30 or so seconds that he listened, "WHAM!!!" the baby kicked about 7 or 8 times. My doctor said that this "is definitely a very active baby." He was convinced he even felt one of the kicks but I'm not so sure. I've been trying desperately to feel him/her all week and I think I may be starting to feel some action. Lying in bed or on the couch sick for a couple of days gave me lots of time to focus on movement. I can't wait for it to be more obvious though!

I had some more blood work done and am happy to report my increased thyroid meds have normalize my hormones. My TSH is now down to 1.71 and my Free T4 is more or less stable at 1.5. They checked a hematocrit also since I said I'd been tired (Ha!!! Isn't that normal in pregnancy!!??) and it was 35.2 which they said is fine but I know to be borderline low. At my hospital, we educate patients on high iron food sources for anemia when their Hct drops below 35 so I'm gonna have to get me a steak! Fine by me. Red meat sounds great right now.

I had a coworker tell me this week that she thinks my baby is a boy since I "look tired and haggard." Apparently that's what boys do to you? Make you tired and haggard. Awesome. I had a cold and was running super low on sleep at that point so I'm chalking the whole comment up to that (oh yeah and maybe also to a cultural miscommunication!) :)

Otherwise, we're just chugging right along. I'm still waking up daily with bad headaches but Tylenol seems to do the trick. I just feel bad because I think I have literally taken it every day for at least a month now. My nausea is GONE though which is such great news.

It's probably important to note that Lent started this week. I don't usually give things up for Lent but this year Graham and I both felt called to choose something for the other to give up. The idea is that when one creates a void by giving something they love up, then they fill it with something else. And the intent is that that "something else" would be God be that in the form of prayer, devotions etc. I tried to convince Graham to choose wine for me (since I'm already not drinking that) but he didn't buy it. At first, he picked ice cream and I was devastated. Then he realized that I'd probably just start binging on brownies and cake and stuff so changed it to all desserts. I seriously thought I would die but so far, so good. This was really needed for me I think. My hubby knows me well!

Oh and lastly, I rearranged some furniture in Isla's room and am happy to report that we can fit both kiddos in there! That's a relief.


  1. Kelsie- you look so cute! Love your hair in this picture too. Glad you're feeling better and sorry you're still getting headaches - no good!
