Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week 17

(photo taken 3/24/11 although I was technically 17 weeks on the 23th...)

Never let the pregnant lady go grocery shopping is the moral of the story. On this space I shall confess what I purchased this week: a whopping total of 6 pounds of strawberries (on two separate trips), 2 miniature watermelons (YESSSSS!!! It's almost watermelon season!! Almost.), a pineapple, a couple peaches, a few plums, pounds and pounds of apples, 4 pounds of oranges, too many grapefruits to carry, 3 pounds of grapes and 2 bunches of bananas. Am I forgetting anything? Oh yeah, a bag of frozen strawberries (ya know, just in case I ran out of the fresh ones) and a bag of blackberries. Wow. I'm only now realizing how crazy that might seem. But, I am loving, LOVING fresh and frozen fruit! It hits the spot right now where dessert is lacking. And hey, I could be buying worse things. Like popsicles, bags of candy, stuffed pretzel snacks and ice cream like the pregnant lady behind me was.

I think I can say with confidence now that I'm feeling the baby move!!!! I don't know why I'm so hesitant to say this (probably because I hate being wrong) but, it's pretty hard to deny now: there has been a LOT of action in this belly of mine. And I don't really think I can blame it all on ligaments and gas anymore. I have had quite a few hard pangs in my abdominal region that literally make me jump. I have a hard time believing that a baby this size could possibly be kicking that hard already but what else would it be? Ladies and gentleman, I'm scared. If this child is already moving this much, I'm afraid I am going to have yet another busy child on my hands. Only time will tell!

We've started throwing around some name ideas which makes this all feel more real. And for all inquiring minds, we won't be finding out the gender at our ultrasound appointment on April 14th nor will we be sharing our tops names (right Graham?) Believe it or not, we actually have a couple that we actually agree on!!! We have a running mental list which I'm sure won't be finalized until D-day. Graham does not want to look at any baby name books; he wants the name to "just come to us." All I can say is that I'm glad I work with babies primarily because I'm pretty sure that's how any new name ideas will "come to me" as I don't really dream up new ones automatically. :)


  1. I wish I ate as healthy as you! All that fruit! I've been eating aboslute crap lately (and can tell when I can barely get my pajama pants on!) I need to get on the healthy food train!

  2. Hey now, no judging the pregnant lady behind you with unhealthy food. That may have been me! During my first trimester, the only food I could handle was junk. I know, I know - bad, but it was reality. Thankfully I am now feeling better and can make healthier choices. :) Good for you for enjoying that fruit and yay!! for almost watermelon season!! :)
