Sunday, March 6, 2011

12 Weeks

(photo taken 2/16/11)

Man, the belly sure does pop faster the 2nd time around! I've had to start using the rubber band trick to make my regular jeans looser so I can still wear them. I REFUSE to pull out maternity pants while only in the first trimester!

My food cravings have been a little out of control. Graham foolishly introduced me to Starbucks' Chonga bagel with cream cheese and I've been wanting them every day since. I finally broke down and bought some similar "everything bagels" from the grocery store in attempts to appease my yearnings while abiding by my budget. Another food that I'm loving is Filipino ramen noodles, courtesy of Graham's coworker. I've used these deliciously calorie and salt-laden packets to fend off nausea now in both my pregnancies and it really does seem to make it go away. I don't know where to buy more once we run out because they are definitely a specialty item. I've also started buying processed boxes of mac n cheese because they just sound so good (GASP!)  I like to snack on nachos occasionally too. Oh and goldfish crackers. These are all foods that were NEVER on my pantry shelves there ya have all my secret confessions. Oh yeah and I'm LOVING anything with red sauce, pizza and spicy foods (I'm adding loads of fresh ground pepper or red pepper flakes to everything). Salads in particular make me cringe, especially the ones with fruity dressings, cheese and nuts (formerly my favorite salad). Now the only kind of veggie I can really get down are green salads or fresh vegetables with ranch.

Afternoons tend to be the hardest time for me as the nausea really comes around with full force. When Graham is home (which is rare!), I try to sneak away mid-day for naps because I am just so stinkin' tired. I usually do fall asleep which is new since I've never been a good napper.

My emotional responses have definitely heightened over the past few weeks. I feel tears forming and my eyes begin to sting at the littlest things: tv shows, touching stories on the radio, Sandi Patty songs (yes, we've been listening to these because Isla has a CD of kids music) etc. I seriously think I need to bring a box of kleenex to church too. I think I'm four for four--I've cried (like tears streaming down my face crying) the last four times in a row at some point during the sermon if not more.

The other new pregnancy "symptom" is that yucky taste in my mouth that never seems to go away. I usually have to brush my teeth at least 3 times before bed to try and get the icky flavor out of my mouth. During the day, I often just chew gum to cover it up. Pregnancy does the strangest things!


  1. Look at your cute little belly! Thanks for posting the picture! (And for the reminders of all the wonderful symptoms that come along with pregnancy...ugh.)

  2. you are seriously so cute! I love this! Chonga bagels are the best..I cannot wait to move to the NW just for those! :) I also have recently loved bagels and sweets of course!!

  3. bagels and cream cheese, and mac and cheese got me through my first trimester. :)
