Saturday, March 5, 2011

Back post: Week 8 (written 1/24/11)

(photo taken 1/19/11)

How could I have possibly forgotten this!? Seriously, the brain is amazing. Selective memory loss is what I should probably call it. Uggg. Graham says I felt like this last time but I don't remember the sickness being this constant. It's like this dull ickyness that is always there, just bad enough to steal my motivation to do anything yet not quite bad enough to completely debilitate me, at least most of the time. But pretty much all I want to do is lay on the couch and sleep or watch tv which is obviously impossible with a busy toddler. So I basically lug myself around the house to keep her in eyesight and then plop myself on the floor of whatever room she lands in and just stare off into space while she plays. Those are my feeble attempts at interacting with my daughter right now. Really, it's about all I can muster.

I feel like I should be getting to work and making preparations for the baby. The house needs to be sorted and simplified and reorganized to make space for this little one but the idea is so overwhelming that I don't know where to start. (Oh and did I mention that all I want to do is lie on the couch and watch tv?) I'll feel better once we've decided our room situation because that'll at least give me a starting point. I really don't want to give up our guest room because I'm hoping my mom will more or less move in with me for a month or five after baby comes until I've adjusted to two kiddos. Plus if we convert the guest room to a baby room, we lose our extra storage closet and the dresser that has become our "office" (since we have no space for a desk). On the flip side, the idea of putting a baby and a 2 year old in the same room sounds NUTS, especially given that Isla only spent 4 weeks in our room before we moved her to her crib (she was just too loud). I don't have a clue how it would work to have a crying/waking baby sharing with a light sleeper like Isla. But I think that idea is the most appealing to me because it involves the least amount to reorganizing. We shall see!


  1. My sister's 2 kids have always shared a room and it works alright for them (they are 19 months apart). They tried to keep their 2nd baby in their room as long as possible and when she did go to the shared room, they just tried to get to her ASAP when she started crying. It taught the older one to sleep through almost anything. Sometimes they even share a bed now.
    So there is a little hope for you!

  2. We just moved Charlotte into the girls room and so far it's working out ok. Mornings have been a little rough if I don't get in there fast enough to grab the hungry baby...we would like to sleep in, but it seems like a distant dream at this point. So far I've been pretty amazed at Hailey's ability to sleep through her sisters screaming...

  3. The kids I nanny are around 9 months and 3 years old. They share a bedroom. I'm not sure how it works, but maybe you could try it, just to see if it would work, and then if it doesn't, you could try something different? The kids I nanny seem to deal with it fine. Their nap times are even at the same time on normal days! I think kids are pretty good with change and training and stuff.
