Friday, March 25, 2011

19 Months

Isla has had somewhat of a rough month but she continues to bring us joy and laughter every day.

She has started giving us "love pats" which are gentle pats on the back, usually in combination with a hug. I started it as a sly way to get her to stop and give me a hug without realizing what she was doing because she has not been much of a hugger or cuddler to begin with! Lately though, she's started running over to me (and others) and giving them a big hug while saying "Hi!!!" in her cheeriest of voices. It's so wonderful to see her begin to initiate!

One of my favorite things that Isla has started doing is saying "whoa, whoa" in a playful, dizzy sort of way. She likes to say it while spinning herself in circles, when she almost trips and falls, and (embarrassingly) when I slam on the brakes in the car or take a corner a little too sharp. 

We added a lovely ducky potty to our decor in the guest bath. Isla sits on it daily, sometimes with clothes and sometimes with a naked bum. We're not pushing anything yet, but just getting her used to the idea. There was one time where she actually went potty but unfortunately it was after she stood up! I think it was just coincidence though as she hasn't done anything similar since.

Isla hit one of what I'm sure will be many eating jags this month. For a bit there, she wanted pretty much bread and bread alone, with maybe a few berries thrown in there. It was really hard for me but I did my best not to make a big deal out of it and continued to offer her what we ate and if she chose not to eat it, the meal ended. If ever she saw bread though, she would start saying "Be, be, be" in her most pleading voice. But now this week we've had about 5 straight good days of eating again. Persistence pays off!

Isla's vocabulary is ever-expanding. New words that I can think of right now include: ice, potty, side (outside), light, wall, teeth, rice, mail, trash, help, bubble, clock, happy, no, pop (as in the sound, NOT the beverage!), read, down, papa (Grandpa), Oliver (sounds surprisingly similar to owl), Clover, wipe (she pronounces it "weep"), cheek, nose, eyes and ear. She now actually says Cheerio too instead of the former "che-che." The words we hear the very most are "help" (because we are teaching her to ask for help instead of whining) and "uh oh."

Isla loves to read. She will bring us book after book after book until we finally tell her that we're "all done." Sometimes if I am sitting on the floor, she will grab a book and back herself into my lap and say "read." I love it! She also really likes doing puzzles and has become quite good at it. Other favorite activities include wiping things (with wipes, napkins, TP, kitchen rags or paper towels) and caring for her baby. The other day she pulled an extra wire oven rack out of one of my cupboards and laid her baby on it, grabbed a diaper and proceeded to "change" her. Why on an oven rack, I'm not sure. She also had a pot and spoon nearby. I'm not sure if she was planning to feed baby or cook baby....

Isla has more or less mastered most of her animal sounds. She knows the cow says moo, the kitty meow, the dog woof woof, the lion roar and the monkey eee-eee. My favorite though is her sheep sound. Ask her what the sheep says and she replies "bah bah" in the most monotone voice instead of "baaaaaa baaaaa."

Isla loves to be sung to and is even starting to sing a bit herself. Her favorite songs are Jesus Loves Me, the ABCs, and Happy Birthday (she sings "Happy Day!")

Poor Isla spent 2 weeks of the last month sick. She spiked pretty high fevers and was pretty miserable at times but also remarkably cheerful all things considered. Poor girl had such a runny, stuffy nose and her eyes watered constantly for days so tears would just fall when she wasn't actually crying (almost like she has allergies!) I just had to get a picture so we'd remember....
As of March 2nd, our house became binky-free, as I mentioned in a prior post. I'd like to say the transition went well but I can't say so with confidence. Honestly, I have no clue what is responsible for what anymore but Isla basically quit napping this month (right after we established such a beautiful 2-4 hour afternoon nap only a month ago!!) She'll cry for over an hour, fighting, fighting, fighting sleep. The result has been an extraordinarily cranky and sensitive kiddo who cries at a drop of a hat and has utter and complete sobbing meltdowns/tantrums in the late afternoon because she is so tired. I don't know whether she's still adjusting to self-soothing without the binky, whether her teeth are hurting, or whether it was this rough bout of illness that threw everything off. All I can say is pray, pray, PRAY we get a nap routine in place again soon for my her sake and ours! We are totally at a loss. Thankfully (!!!) nighttime is going ok. She continues to sleep solid from 6:30 PM to 7:30 or so AM!

I found Isla's 2nd molar (upper left) cutting through on March 6th and then a third molar (bottom right) on March 20th. The girl may not have front teeth but at least she will have molars!!!

Until next month....

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