Wednesday, May 25, 2011

21 Months

Isla has started saying her own name this month. She pronounces it "Eye-yah" and uses it frequently to make sure that we are all aware of all the things that belong to her. "Eye-yah's, Eye-yah's" over and over and over. She is also naming the things that belong to mommy and daddy and likes to point out whose is whose such as our toothbrushes, our bathrobes, our usual seats in the car, our car windows etc. It's pretty cute.

Isla has officially learned to kiss! She no longer just touches her lips or cheek to your cheek but actually has the smack figured out! She seems to have an ever-abundant supply of kisses for me lately which I love.

Isla has an unbelievably large vocabulary. She repeats basically everything we say and is definitely picking up on a lot more than we ever realized. People tell me all the time that they can't believe how smart she is and how well she can communicate (*beaming mama moment*). She can now count to 10 almost all by herself (she keeps skipping 7 so we prompt her with that one), she sings "Happy birthday to you" on key and can fill in the blank to most words in Rockabye Baby and the ABCs if you quit singing partway through. The counting thing just blew me away. We've been reading counting books for quite some time now and she never really seemed to care but now I know she really is listening!
She is super independent and likes to do things herself like buckle her straps in the stroller or highchair and feeding herself. She doesn't think she needs a bib anymore and has put up a few good fights because we disagree. She had absolutely no fear in the pool on our trip and it didn't even phase her when she went under a couple times. She seems to be a tough sport and will often just brush off her hands and say "crash" like we taught her when she biffs it on the floor or pavement. Isla LOVES the park and has successfully figured out how to go down the big twisty slides all by herself.

Potty training is so not happening right now. It's like she quit cold turkey and decided she wasn't going to go anymore. She still frequently asks to sit on the potty but hasn't successfully done anything on it for a few weeks now. I'm feeling more or less ok about it as I wasn't expecting it to take off the way it did initially but I'm a little bummed that I will likely have 2 in diapers....oh well.

Isla loves to sit on the counter and watch me cook. Lately she has actually been rather helpful, tearing lettuce, plucking leaves off herbs, breaking tomatoes in half etc. It makes me excited for what is to come--I have a little cooking buddy!

Oh and BIG news this month, Isla started eating salad! Out of no where, she just started going at it. Seriously, this might be my proudest mommy moment (not that I can really take much credit). We call it lettuce "with sauce" and she loves things with sauce so maybe that's what did it. I'm thrilled about this though because we eat SO much salad and I was having a hard time making creative hot vegetables to serve her instead.
Most of you will never believe this but we finally have all 4 front teeth!!! I'm not quite sure when exactly it cut through but I found her upper right front tooth while we were flying home last Sunday (May 22nd). She'd been chomping up a storm on her finger so I can't say I'm too surprised. It still cracks me up that she had all four molars before her upper front teeth....

Isla knows where "the baby" is and will often point to my belly (or boobs if I'm honest) and say "Baby!" I keep telling her that we're going to have a new baby and that the baby is going to sleep in her room. She seems pretty excited about it but I think it will really help her understand once we get the baby's crib in their room.

Isla has started to name some emotions. Yesterday I asked her if she was excited to see her Auntie Lani and cousin Gideon and she very animatedly said "Eyeyah excited! Mommy excited!" She is stringing together more and more words everyday.  

Isla's other hobbies lately include collecting silverware (spoons in particular) and spreading them around the downstairs. She loves going "side" (outside) and tromping through the yard, "watering" my plants with the watering can. She always wants to join me on trips to the trash and mailbox. She is fascinated by things that go (I'm wondering if I need to get her some cars) and still loves to pretend play with her baby. She's totally growing up!

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