Friday, May 13, 2011

Another one for the list....

So today I had a coworker tell me: "I think you're having a boy because of the pimples around your mouth. I had a friend who never had acne until she was pregnant and then she had a boy. So I think you're having a boy."

Awesome. My self esteem is just soaring! Oh and for the record, I got pimples with Isla and she was a girl. Not sure we've narrowed down the most accurate predictors just yet...

What next, what next?


  1. Did you slap her? I would have. ;)

  2. I can't believe these people are serisouly saying these things to you. My co-workers are so kind to me and always make me feel like I'm the cutest pregnant lady on the planet, even though I'm clearly not. You should come work with me! :o)
