Monday, May 23, 2011

25 Weeks

(photo taken at 25 weeks - 5/18/11)

It's been a little while since I wrote a pregnancy post. Or took any pregnancy pictures for that matter. I skipped a few weeks there mostly I think because I was hit with a severe wave of insecurity surrounding what was happening to my body, the way my clothes were fitting (or not fitting) all combined with the lovely comments I've been receiving from people around me (see prior posts). I won't try and  deny the fact that as amazing and miraculous as pregnancy is, it doesn't come without it's fair share of hardships for women. You lose a lot of control when you house a baby in you! I can't remember if I felt this insecure the last time around (Graham says yes...) Anyhow, after purchasing a few new summer items to fit my ever-changing body, my spirits have once again returned!

Dare I say it, I think the growth of my belly has started to slow which I'm sure is contributing my returning self-confidence as I wasn't sure where I was gonna fit twice the belly I had a 20 weeks!

This week was sort of a mental milestone for me. I let out a little sigh of relief when I reached 25 weeks gestation, knowing that the littlest Crozier could possibly make it in the real world now if it came to that. When I was pregnant with Isla, some of my coworkers termed it that I was "viable" (meaning that the baby could survive if I delivered early). I hated that they used that term but I must admit i is sort of nice to know that baby could be fine even though I DON'T want him/her to come for a long time. Most people don't have to worry about this kind of stuff but when you work in a NICU....

I've start feeling limbs not only kicking but sweeping across my entire belly over the past few weeks. Baby is particularly active ~10:30 PM (bedtime!). He/she also seems responsive to when I eat. I've felt a number of movements that are so strong and sudden that I literally almost leap from my seat. Graham and I keep wondering what this means....a wild child?

So far, all I have prepared for baby is a basket of newborn diapers. Graham's spring break is in a couple weeks so I'm hoping to get some things picked out. Like a convertible crib (which will actually be for Isla as baby will use her current one), a double stroller and a car. Ya know, just a couple small things. :)

Ever since lent ended (Easter), I think I have had dessert every day.

I have had so many strangers approach me and tell me that I'm gonna be SOO busy when they see how active Isla is and that I have another on the way. So many people have said this in the past 48 hours that it's sort of making me panic. I have 3 more months though. I'm sure Isla will be much more stationary by then. :)

I've been craving takeout-type foods a) because getting them would mean I didn't have to cook and b) because more "normal" (less fancy/gourmet) foods sound really good to me. Also I feel more prone to junk such as the occasional fried food.

We have been brainstorming name ideas but the jury is still out. We seem to like certain names for a short while and then the excitement and newness begins to fade. I'm getting more and more excited about our growing list though!

All in all, I'm really eager to meet this baby but perfectly happy that he/she still has a few more months to "cook" so we can get ready!

1 comment:

  1. At least the new baby will be stationary for a while. You won't have to be chasing both of them yet. You get to grow into that just like you grow into caring for a newborn and then a 6 month old and then a toddler, etc... You will be a wonderful mother of two, Kels! And I'll come over to help you!
