Monday, December 5, 2011

Isla 27 Months (a couple weeks late...)

Lots is new with Isla this month but I'm having a hard time keeping up. Here are some highlights. She:

-is obsessed with places: Where’s Lani’s? Where’s Bellevue? Where’s south? She continues to recognize where we are when we are driving. The other day we got on the freeway and she blurts out excitedly “This is the way to church Mommy!”

-really seems to enjoy running with me (though she's doing more riding than running). I think because I have been doing it so much lately, she’s starting to catch on. She’s started running around the living room telling me “I’m running for exercise!” I try to encourage it, because, well, it seems like a good habit to get in to. On Thanksgiving day, she was pushing around a toy shopping cart and when my cousin asked her what she was doing, she responded “I’m shopping for exercise!” Let me just set the record straight: she did NOT get that from me. I despise shopping. But she seems to love it and often asks to go to the mall or Trader Joes (where they have “shopper in training carts”).

-wants to read books over and over again.

-has an opinion about most everything and is really exerting her independence.

-continues to be obsessed with noodles and bread. Also loves raisin bran, “crunchies” (granola) and oranges. She'll eat spicy food no problemo as long as she has a cup of milk to go with.
-is a big help with her little sister. She LOVES throwing away her poopy diapers and sometimes gets upset when she realizes we've already put the diaper in the pail.

-likes to dress herself and often wants to wear something other than what we pick out for her. Now I understand why some kids out in public are dressed so strangely. And I shall no longer pass judgment on their parents.

-is really fun to have conversations with. She’s hilarious and says the funniest things. She’s a great student and I love seeing her grasp new concepts everyday. She answers questions with "yeah" or "yes" or says "uh-huh" as you talk, as if she already knows everything you are telling her. She also has started saying "Yes sir!" to me when I ask her to do stuff. Not sure where that came from.

-loves Christmas lights and our Christmas tree. A LOT! I look forward to driving at night with her in the car so I can point out the lights. In fact, last night I forgot she wasn't with me and I started getting a little over-excited about the lights I was passing. Oh the joys!

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