Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Isla 28 Months

I'm pretty positive Isla is 100% Type A (i.e. she got my personality!!) She is very independent and wants to do everything "by self." If we attempt to help her, she'll go back and start over and do it again, making sure we keep our hands off (Mom and Dad, sound familiar?) When we put her in timeout, she even tries to change the location and sit in front of a different wall (so she can be in control...nice try Isla!)

Despite her strong will, she is quite the tender soul and is quick to burst into tears if (ok when) we raise our voices. I love her little heart!

The things she says always crack me up. She's been singing "Baa baa black sheep have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, 3 bags full. One for my master, one for the game, one for the little boy who lives in the parking spot...." She often asks for a back or leg "scrub" (rub)--girl after my own heart! Then tonight she asked me to shake her out over the sink to get the dinner crumbs out of her lap. She also thinks the word "still" all by itself means something. I'll ask her if she's still eating and instead of saying "Yes" she says "Still."

Graham's aunt and uncle have a dog named Cooper. For whatever reason, she can't pronounce it right and calls him "Pooper." But then ask her to say "pool" and she pronounces it "cool." Go figure! She's finally figured out how to pronounce her own name "I-lah" instead of "I-yah."

Last night as I was trying to change her diaper before bed (yes still in diapers--no progress there!), she was kicking her legs and trying to roll around. I asked her to obey and told her Jesus wants her to obey and that it makes Him sad when she doesn't. Immediately she asked "Where's Jesus?" (a frequent topic of conversation in our house) and then proudly answered her own question: "In our hearts!". *love*
Isla loves to sit in the tub and take a bath while I take a shower. She usually asks to join me every day but I try to keep it to every other day or so.

She is really enjoying crafts and artsy projects lately whether it be playing with play dough (where she requests rather elaborate creations), coloring or the latest, painting. She got a little craft box for Christmas and is already begging to break into it.

Isla loves to "play dishes toys," stack blocks and build with Duplos. Her blocks have letters on them and she is beginning to be able to identify "E for Emma and I for Isla." She also loves the special toys she gets to play with at each of her grandparents.
Isla is obsessed with stickers. She loves to cover her Ducky or her legs and clothing with them. Oh and you should have seen our row of seats on the airplane on the way home from Cabo! :)

She's definitely starting to get into imaginative play. She's always played with her babies but now she's really starting to pretend. We overheard her telling her baby the other day that she "needed to make sure she was comfy and cozy." She really must listen to what I say to Emma! She also likes to pick up books and make up a story that she reads out loud.

Isla has started to nap better again! I've found that if I can keep her awake until closer to 2 PM, she usually will sleep for a couple hours. This discovery has been wonderful.

She continues to love all things bread. She asks for it at almost every meal. Tonight we had short ribs and rice and kale and the first thing she said when she looked at her plate was "Where's the bread?" Oh the joys!

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