Friday, December 2, 2011

Random wordage

I so long for a moment to be creative. To write something other than little tidbits about my children. But alas, life presently beckons me elsewhere and all I seem to be able to manage are admittedly monotonous posts about the development of my children. Sorry readers, if you are losing interest.

I hear a stirring upstairs but I'm determined to get out a few words, though I haven't yet determined a topic for this post. It's been a LOOOOONG day and I think I am just totally savoring this moment to myself, even if it lasts only a brief 5 minutes. I need to try to make a habit of this. And by this I mean getting dinner served and cleaned up and the kids in bed earlier. Our evenings have been rather chaotic when I fly solo on Graham's work nights. He used to come home to hot dinner on the table, dinner prep dishes already cleaned and put away, a picked up house. Now he often walks in (over a trash bag) to a mountain of dishes in the kitchen, toys everywhere, a still-dressed and awake two-year-old running around the living room while I sit helplessly nursing the baby. I kid you not, one night he walked in to all of the above scene, plus me walking around with nursing pillow strapped around my waist and no pants. I can't quite recall why I wasn't wearing pants but I'm pretty sure it had to do with someone pooping on them. Anyhow, no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get dinner started early enough to get the kids to bed on time to have this quiet moment that is oh so necessary for my sanity. Of course, Graham does NOT expect a neat and tidy house. He's usually pretty happy just to see that the kids and I are alive. But I like to bless him with food and a peaceful environment it at all possible.

So, all this to say is that we're learning I suppose. And maybe making a little progress? I hope. We're heading into a super busy month but I'm filled with new excitement and anticipation as I get to see things from a new perspective, through the eyes of a two-year-old. What fun!

And with that, the stirring upstairs has migrated into my arms and so that'll have to do it. Happy December!


  1. See gold standard.

  2. SO not loosing interest! Laughed out loud at this post. Keep it real :)

  3. Well, what Amanda said. I love reading about all the funny/cute things Isla does and what your fam is up to. You have a way with words and I usually chuckle when reading your posts. On this occasion it was quite the belly laugh when I got to the no pants part. Haha.
