Thursday, January 3, 2013

Emma: 16 Months

This one's gonna be TROUBLE, I just know it! I uploaded most all of this series of pictures a couple days ago and now that I'm seeing them all together, I feel like I she re-title the post "10 Reasons We Need Eyes on the Back of our Heads." She's a sly one and I just know we're going to have to repaint a wall or two because of her!
She's ridiculously adorable with that toothy grin (still only has 4 of em'!) But tonight I watched her grab a magnet from the fridge in the kitchen, take it into the bathroom and attempt to disengage the magnetic child safety locks on the cupboard filled with cleaning supplies...How she knew to do that is beyond me! 
I heard Emma squawking one day and came up to find her in her room like this. She's mastered the art of climbing and can pretty much get in the bath by herself (awesome!) and also loves to stand up on the stool at the sink. Unfortunately she hasn't quite figured out how to get down and will just stand there and yell "Mom! Mom! Mom!" until I come to the rescue. She also does the same after closing herself into various rooms of the house (mostly the dark bathroom).
Yes, she is now officially refering to me as "Mom" now I think mostly because she pronounces Emma "Mama" and needed a way to differentiate the two. The way she says it is adorable. Her very favorite word though is "Yeah" which she says ALL the time when you ask her a question. She also now makes an "uh-uh" sound and shakes her head and pushes you away when she doesn't want something.
Because of her rapid weight gain at her 15 month appointment last month, her Dr cautioned me that we needn't do any "just two more bites" business with Emma. We should trust her when she says she's done eating and not force her to eat more. I almost fell over - I have never, ever had to encourage this child to eat!! And she's got a cute little belly to show for it! :)
Emma is really into animal sounds right now and knows what the monkey says (eee-eee) and what the bird says (high pitched squeaking) but her favorite is definitely the fish (mouth opening and closing) which she does constantly. She's also learning to make a buzzing sound and pretend bee with her finger is a bee flying around which is pretty cute. Isla keeps trying to teach her goat but none of us really know what to do for that one.
She is still scared to death of dogs (she shakes and screams like a granny who just saw a mouse) but she's warming up ever so slightly with time. I can tell she really actually likes them but is just fearful when they come close. I did catch her petting our friends' dog Tucker a couple hours into our visit which is a BIG step. She sure loved my parents kitties over Christmas but unfortnately the feeling was NOT mutual.
Emma LOVES wrapping things around her neck - ropes, garlands, clothes....anything she can find. I finally caved and got her a soft boa scarf for Christmas thinking it'd be safer than things like the leather cord pictured below! 
Emmy Bear (one of her nickname around here) also loves to "dress" herself and seeing articles of clothing on her head no longer seems out of the ordinary.
My sweet girl has killer eyes the color of blue jeans! 
Seriously, I just never quite know what I'm going to find when I look away for 2 seconds. Here she is with the bottom rack of the dishwasher that I caught her pushing around the living room like a shopping cart!
In addition to the dishwasher rack (????), she also really enjoys pushing her new corn popper toy all around the house. Though these pictures indicate otherwise, she can often be found quietly reading a stack of books in the corner. She's a total snuggle bug, gives tons of kisses and loves to dance and hum and play the piano.

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