Saturday, January 26, 2013

Isla: 41 Months

Some tidbits about Isla this month:
-She no longer sleeps with Ducky!
-One of her favorite pastimes involves being tucked into bed, finding a good reason to get back out and then yelling to be re-tucked back it. Repeat x 3.
-She likes drinking out of a straw. Sometimes two.
-She's the bravest of ballerinas after overcoming the initial pre-class jitters ("I don't waaaaaaaant to go to my dance class!") She now eagerly looks forward to Wednesdays and (I think) is learning how to follow directions. She loves to show me her "new moves" like "the pizza slice" and we are now playing pretend dance class. Somehow this is the best dance attire picture we've captured thus far: 
-She changes her clothes approximately 5 times daily and is constantly asking to change into a different dress. 
-Is quite warm-blooded and can frequently be found wearing tank tops and sundresses.
-Nap time is now "quiet time." An awake 3 year old at 10:30 PM helped me make this decision.
-She is showing us a whole new side to her: a strong sense of worry and concern. Most often it is related to the safety of her sister and on the one hand it is very sweet but it is also a little alarming to see how stressed she becomes when Emma walks more than 5 feet away from us in public places.
-Despite her growing sense of anxiety, she's still a playful kid at heart!  
-She loves:
-learning what different words are in Spanish
-asking when our birthdays are
-staying home (or so she says)
-being in charge
-having Mom and mom ONLY put her to bed
-talking about Mickey Mouse and heaven
-trying to figure out who my Grandpa and Grandma Wilson are 
-praying before meals: "Dear God, Thank you for this food and for this day and that we could be together as a family. Amen!"

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