Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Heaven snippets

Have I mentioned my child has a slight obsession with death? Scratch that. Let's instead call it a healthy curiosity about heaven. Whatever the case, I wanted to document just a few (yes there were many more) of the questions Isla has asked me over the last two days:

Why is Daddy not dead?
When are we going to die?
Are the angels boys or girls?
How many angels are there?
Why did Jesus die on Calvary?
How come we're not going to wear clothes when we go to Jesus' house?
Will there be birthdays there?
Will there be beds?
Have just a few people died? Tell me their names.
Why are my grandma and grandpa not dead?

Just a typical Wednesday over here...Please tell me your three year old asked you these same questions today too.


  1. She was asking me why my old neighbor wasn't dead yesterday, and why he wasn't in heaven.

  2. Oh, and when we mentioned that our neighbor's dog had died she asked if he was in Heaven. Tash said the dog went to heaven, so blame her for that conversation whenever it arises.

  3. Liam's questions are mostly about airplanes and rockets and why we can't take those to heaven to visit people and what if we had a bigger plane and what if Jesus was the pilot....let me know if you have found any good books or tips on how to discuss these things!

  4. Yes. Yes. Scout is very interested in "dead" things too these days. Even her stuffed animals are "dead" sometimes! I guess it is just part of learning about life. Have you explained Heaven to Isla yet? Scout asked the other day and I did my best, but feel like my answer could have been a whole lot better thought out.
