Sunday, September 20, 2009

1st trip to Bellingham (G & G's)

This weekend our family took our first overnight trip away from home. My sister, sister-in-law and mom were throwing a clothes shower at my parents for Miss Isla on Saturday so we headed up Friday late morning to enjoy the day in Bellingham.
Bellingham was recently featured in a summer issue of Sunset Magazine so we decided we'd better try out one of the "must-dos" outlined in the article which was to get the "Avalanche" from Woods Coffee at Boulevard Park. The drink was a super yummy (calorie-laden I'm sure) concoction of espresso, ice cream, caramel and coconut all blended up with whipped cream on top....To balance out the indulgence, we spent an hour or so walking the boardwalk and trails at the park (one of my favorites growing up).
The weather couldn't have been better for our little outing.
It was on this walk that we realized we have trouble on our hands....our daughter a pick-pocket? No joke, we just looked over and found her this way, trying to steal from her Grandma.

That evening, Isla got to spend some time with Grandpa too when he got home from work.
And then it was bathtime so she'd be fresh for the shower. My parents sink is a bit smaller than ours but Isla LOVED it! She just laid there, quietly sucking on her binkie the whole time. She even kept looking sideways and dipping her eye in the water but still didn't let out a peep!

Hang tight for pictures from the shower!

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