Thursday, September 3, 2009


Our sweet baby girl has already passed the one week mark! It's hard to believe... In addition to posting pictures on this blog, I also wanted to share some tidbits on how things are going so I'll remember them later on.

I mean it when I say we have a sweet baby girl. I'm not sure when you begin to really catch a glimpse of a baby's personality, but so far Isla is incredibly well tempered. She rarely cries. She makes a little grunting sound when she wants something but I think I've only heard her truly cry maybe three times.

Daddy's nicknames so far for her include Isla Bella June Bug, Isla June Bug and Presh Presh (for precious). I've caught myself calling her Sweet Pea and Sweet Baby Girl. I'm sure many more nicknames will develop....

We had our first pediatrician appt on Monday (day 6). Isla was only 15 g below birth weight so apparently is getting plenty when she eats. She has been a bit jaundiced but not to a concerning level and it seems to be resolving now. I really liked her doctor (she has a daughter name Isla too!) and feel confident she will get great care.

People keep telling me Isla looks like Graham. I can't see it but I think I need an outside party to be the judge anyway. I do think she for sure has my lips and my "ski nose" (as Graham's grandma calls it).

I have yet to get a good night's rest although last night was the best so far (I may have actually slept for 7 hours cumulative which is much better than my 4 hour average the previous nights!) Isla apparently is a night owl. She has been cluster feeding for 3-4 hour stretches in the middle of the night where she basically feeds constantly or is wide awake and won't sleep. I lay her down and she just lies there in her cradle looking around. She apparently hates having the light off when she's awake because as soon as I turn them off, she begins to stir and grunt and make plenty of noise. She stops as soon as the light comes back on.

I have yet to go a day without crying although I assure you they are happy tears! These hormonal surges are INSANE! I'll be sitting there staring at Isla and burst into tears of joy. Graham will come over to "comfort" me and through the tears I'll wail "I'm just so happy!!!" Counter intuitive I know. :o) I have just been feeling so incredibly blessed by the outpouring of support from friends, family and coworkers. God is already teaching me to give up my independence and let others step in to help so I can spend good quality time with my daughter. It's amazing. THANK YOU EVERYONE!

Graham has been so awesome. I can't believe how much of a natural he is at this whole fatherhood thing. He loves holding Isla and has gone through withdrawals the two times he has left us girls alone at home. He comes back "needing" to hold her for awhile.

We have gone out on many adventures so far. We made an errand run to Costco, Babies R Us, Target and Barnes and Noble. We went out to coffee at Zokas in downtown Kirkland and then went to the Farmer's Market. Today we hope to go to Grandma and Grandpa Crozier's for lunch and then maybe attempt to pick a few blackberries. We were feeling a bit cooped up at home and are trying really hard to get out and about early so that we don't get stuck in a rut, feeling like we can't go anywhere/do anything "because we have a baby." I think we need to take it a little more slowly though. I feel like I've healed up quite nicely but definitely experience more pain the more I am on my feet.

Okay, now for the fun part....PICTURES!!

Doing some tummy time, Dr's orders!

My cousin suggested we take a picture of Isla in the same spot every week to follow how she grows and changes. I figured the teddy bear would be a good marker of how much bigger she is getting. Here is Isla's one week shot. Thanks for great idea Shauna!

Mean, I know, but the ruffle butt is SO CUTE!

First trip to Zoka's. It was sorta like a date for Graham and I--lots of good conversation (Graham always share more over a good cupa Joe)

Look at those cheeks!


I just can't get enough of her!

At the Kirkland Marina

I must say, we've had a great week!


  1. She is adorable Kelsie! My little Grace has the same night time routine as your daughter it seems. My boys were 6 hour sleepers from the start but she must eat every two hours. I think I actually got a 4 hour stretch of sleep last night but she made up for it but wanting to be held and talked to from 2 am to 4 am :o) It's all worth it in the end. Enjoy her, it goes by to fast. My oldest is starting Kind. in two and half weeks.

  2. Oh here is the perfect update I was looking for! :) You have some amazing pictures of the 1st week!! I'm so proud of you guys, you're adjusting to parenthood quite nicely so far. :) Isla is just SO cute, thanks for sharing. :)

  3. Oh I just love reading your summary! You're such a great mom!!!
