Tuesday, September 22, 2009

4 weeks!

Look at her leg rolls!!
Isla is 4 weeks today! Here's a little taste of what's been happening this week:
-New nickname: Peanut. I'll admit that I'm using this one quite often. I have to keep reminding myself to call Isla by her name so she'll learn to respond to it too. :o)
-Isla is much more alert this week. It is such a drastic change from her first week when we could not keep her awake worth beans. She sometimes is awake for 3 hour stretches now and looks adorable as she absorbs her surroundings.

-I think we have a major cuddle bug on our hands....much like both her parents. Isla LOVES being held pretty much all the time. She will only lie on her own for about 2 minutes before she begins to cry to be picked up. Hmm, that's gonna pose some issues eventually.
-Night times are still unpredictable. We had about 3 really great nights midway last week but then the last few night have been rough again with both Graham and I taking turns hanging out with a very awake daughter in the middle of the night. A few things I may have discovered about Isla's preferences: 1) she likes to be tightly swaddled 2) when I lay her down after night feeds, it really helps Isla go back to sleep when I place my hand on her arms and "shhhhhh" her. This seems to reduce the grunting as it gets her into more sound sleep but it's a huge time commitment and not a habit I want to get into permanently.
-I was wrong. Isla's acne was not at its peak last week. I think her worst day was of course the day of her shower when she was meeting everyone. It's looking better now though.

-Isla has been taking her bottle wonderfully everyday. We have yet to figure out a good regular time for these "Daddy feeds."
-We left Isla for the first time last night so Graham and I could go on one last date before Graham heads back to work and starts grad school. Isla went to Grandpa and Grandma Crozier's and did great (although she did have a blowout on Grandma and was a bottomless pit, eating 2 whole bottles during the 3 hour window that we were gone). I only cried for the first 5 minutes after dropping her off. :o) I was worried maybe we were leaving her too early, maybe that meant we were horrible parents etc. Graham reminded me that our relationship is our number 1 priority and my mom said that Isla needs happy parents--both good words of wisdom. We had a great time and it was refreshing to spend one-on-one, undistributed time together.

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