Friday, January 27, 2012


I have a rather long list of projects I'm hoping to tackle. If I didn't know better, I'd wonder if I might be pregnant and experiencing some form of the nesting phase. Maybe there is such thing as I-have-a-2-year-old-and-a-5-month-old-and-I-need-to-do-something-other-than-change-diapers-and-feed-with-these-hands-of-mine sort of nesting. I'm not quite sure where I expect to find the time to implement this mental list of projects since I can't seem to get the girls to sleep at the same time but who cares about that detail! :) I just need to create!

Sooooooo, I placed an order yesterday for this fabric:
Our dining chairs have white cushions (seriously, who buys dining chair with white cushions and then proceeds to have kids???) Or at least they used to be white. Now I think each and every one of them has at least one giant stain in a variety of colors. So, I am going to recover them with this stain resistant fabric. I ordered a swatch of it first so I could try it out. When I poured water on it, the liquid beaded into droplets and was not absorbed. I even squirted some bright orange sriracha sauce on it and it wiped right off. Anyway, if you haven't already put two and two together, I'm going to attempt to recover all 8 of our chairs.

While I was at it, I also decided to order a yard of each of these fabrics to recover some of our living room pillows. Never thought I'd say this, but I feel the need for CHANGE!!!
Three of our dining chairs sit at the bar in the living room so I'm hoping the pillows will help tie together the green on the chairs with our bright red accent wall. It could end up looking like Christmas all year round, but hopefully not.

Then I've been scouring all the Value Villages in the area for a large frame. We have a huge vase full of wine corks we've been saving and I want to make my own fashionable cork board to hang near the entryway. I'm hoping this will be a great place to post the Christmas pictures you all sent! So far my frame hunt has left me empty handed but I'm sure I'll find one I like somewhere.

In my Value Village treasure hunting, I did come across these silver gems which I'd been in the market for since Christmas. After taking down my garlands, I realized our mantle was a bit barren. We almost spent $60 on some silver pillar candle holders at Ikea but I'm glad we didn't because I scored these for 4 bucks!
Oh and now I'm in the market for another couple yards of fabric to make a 2nd crib sheet for Emma's bed. One is definitely not enough! I'm having a hard time finding anything that doesn't look too busy with the fabric I chose for her crib skirt.

The peaks of sunshine we've been having reminded me that my garden planters are all disintegrating on the patio and that it's time for something new. I'd love to have one BIG one made that I can actually fit a large variety of produce in. So, of course dreaming up a garden planter reminded me that I need to pick out my vegetable seeds for the spring.....

Gosh, there's a LOT more I'm hoping to do but this is sounding like a lot already. One thing at a time. Hopefully I will have some pictures of finished projects to post soon!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Kelsie! I recovered our 10 dining room chairs several years ago. No sewing required. Luckily it was just the seats, so it was easy-peasy! Now I have 4 heavy duty bar stools that need recovering. Unfortunately they are not something I can tackle myself so will have to leave them for the professionals. I admire your enthusiasm for your sewing/decorating projects! Enjoy!!
