Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Starbucks or bust!

Today is a snow day and Seattle is totally. freaking. out.  It cracks me up how unraveled the whole city becomes when snow hits but I gotta admit, the quiet streets and slowed lifestyle is nice every once in a while. This morning we "braved" the weather and plowed (yes, turns out the BOB Duallie doubles as a plow--who knew!?) our way to Starbucks in hopes of finding coffee. Not only were they open, but they were SLAMMED. Apparently none of us have anything better to do that go out to coffee when the snow hits! My dear husband has already made public a comment I made to the Facebook world: "Only people who are saving lives should go to work in the snow...and those who serve coffee." Can I get an AMEN!? 
 I don't own snow boots. Don't judge!
 Graham decided I needed a gargantuan mug-o-jo. I was totally embarrassed by the large size. Enough for tomorrow too!  
 Yeah, it was huge.
 Now Graham has left for work (he's saving lives of course) and us girls are hunkering down for a cozy afternoon at home. Happy snow day, Seattle!


  1. so fun! I wished we lived closer :) we walked down the hill yesterday to have lunch with the was the perfect day for it!! Glad to see you guys enjoyed the snowy fun!! Hope to hang out soon :)

  2. Don't you love how the BOB handled the snow and ice! I felt like Laine and I could have been in a BOB commercial!
