Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Emma: 22 Weeks

Emma is now officially 5 months old!

This week has gone much better than some of the weeks prior. We seem to be making headway on the whole sleep training ordeal for which I am oh so grateful. It is not easy to let your baby cry but after the last few weeks, I am 100% confident that sleep is a learned behavior and that sleeping and bedtimes must be taught. We've gone from having a baby who wouldn't go to bed before 11 PM (and who ate at 5 PM, 7 PM, 9 PM, 11 PM etc) to having a baby who eats for the last time ~6:30 PM and then is able to make it until early morning before needing to feed again. Last night, she went from 7:15 PM to 8 AM without eating!!! Granted, that could have been a fluke, but it's major progress. She still lets out a few squawks throughout the evening after we put her down but is no longer crying for long stretches before falling asleep. She usually wakes 1-2 times a night but I'm not feeding her if it's before 4 AM. The last couple nights a binky plug is all she's needed. Tonight I got brave enough to put her down back in her room with Isla (because I have company coming this weekend who will need the guest room!) I am so hoping we don't undo our progress.

Emma absolutely adores her sister. Every time Isla talks, it gets her attention, even if someone else is talking at the same time. Isla has a knack for making her giggle and you can just tell the two love each other.
Emma loves grabbing my hair and swatting my face while she nurses. Now I remember why I wanted short hair after having Isla!

She loves being held up above my head like an airplane and is starting to really enjoy peekaboo. Apparently she is also rather intrigued by her tongue.

1 comment:

  1. The sister's picture is just too cute for words! So happy for both of them and they really could not be any cuter!
