Thursday, January 5, 2012

My 2012 Resolutions

I know a lot of people hate making resolutions because they are cliche or overdone but for me they are very useful. I love the idea of a New Year to start fresh, make changes. I know I'm a little late in establishing my resolutions for this year seeing that we're almost a week in already but, hey, that's just how I've been rolling lately and I'm ok with it.

Truth be told, I've been in a bit of a funk lately. I think it's a combination of the gloomy weather, sleep deprivation and the evaporation of what little alone time I possessed pre-Emma. These things together have created a rather on-edge, anxious version of the Kelsie I'd like to be. As 2012 begins, I'd like to do a better job of remembering that my life is really, really good. I have two beautiful (and challenging!) children, a very supportive and handsome husband, a wonderful family, and a cozy place to live. I've been doing some reflecting and praying over what the Lord is teaching to me, what He wants me to learn this year. I think He has a lot in store!

So, without further adieu, in 2012 would like to.....

1) Read more. I somehow managed to read 3 books in the month of December and it felt so good. And then this week (one week!) I read another book from start to finish (it helped that Emma is nursing every 2-3 hours round the clock again due to milk supply issues). I can't remember the last time I finished a book prior to this. I was gifted a Kindle complete with a reading light for Christmas and I have a feeling it is going to play a huge role in helping me accomplish this goal.

2) Run a 10K. Now that I'm so close, why not keep going, right? The current plan is to run the Mercer Island 10K in late March with a couple of friends.

3) Make peace with my emotions. I am an emotional person. There. I said it. I do a pretty good job of hiding my emotions as a whole but then poor Graham gets stuck with the mother load. This year, I want to learn to be ok with the way I'm feeling and let it out. If I feel like crying, I will cry. If I feel like laughing, I will laugh. If I feel (righteously) angry, I will be angry. I'm a pretty good stuffer and I don't think it's working for me. I have this deep longing to know how people really are and I want them to know the same about me as this is what creates incredible richness in relationship.

4) Read through the entire Bible, cover to cover. I am a bit ashamed to admit that I've never done this before. I've attempted a couple of read-the-Bible-in-a-year plans in years past but usually gave up once I hit Leviticus. Thank you Kindle yet again for your assistance with this one. I purchased a One Year Bible and so far I'm 5 for 5! (I must also give a little shout out to Emma--her frequent night wakings have facilitated lots more opportunities for quiet time!)

5) Travel alone with Graham. I have been either pregnant or breast feeding for a good majority of the last 3 1/2 years and I would love to set aside an extended period away to reconnect with just my husband.

6) Blog more. It is so therapeutic for me to write and I love having the events of my life and the thoughts that pass through my head documented.

7) Foster a servant's heart. You would think I would have rid myself of selfishness after having 2 kids. But far too often it rears its ugly head. The Lord is really nudging me in this area and I hope to learn to serve without expecting anything in return. No more keeping score!

8) Find some good slow cooker meals for work nights. I was crazy after going back to work post-Isla. I cooked a meal from scratch every work night and totally stressed myself out. This year, I'm committing to crockpot meals or leftovers on work nights for sanity's sake!

9) Give up. Give up trying to do things on my own, that is. This is another area where I really need to grow and remember that the Savior of the Universe is just waiting for me to let go and let Him take over. I need to be constantly reminded of this!

10) Be a really stellar mom and super awesome wife. I'm still working on the practical applications of this one but hopefully I can make some improvements this year! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow - we have SO many of the same resolutions. I've been catching up on all of your posts (you are really on top of things, unlike me), and we really need to chat on the phone soon! We have way too much in common. :) love you, friend, and wish we lived in the same city!!
