Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Out of the mouths of babes

I'm a firm believer in teaching kids the actual names of body parts. I'm sure there will be times when our kids identify things in public where we temporarily regret this decision but as a whole, I think it's the right one. But today I accidentally slipped up. I was nursing Emma while Isla looked on, doing her usual "What's that?" routine. She pointed in the general direction of Emma and asked me her number one favorite question. I thought she was looking at the design on Emma's onesie so cheerfully told her "It's a cupcake!" I finished feeding on one side and was about to switch to the other when Isla pointed at my chest and asked "Mommy feed Emma on the other cupcake?"
It sort of has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? :)


  1. Ah, hahahahahahahaha!!!! That is amazing, and I love it! Glad you have this written down. Maddie tries to mimic my actions in this department as well, and lifts up her shirt to feed her baby while I'm nursing. However, Maddie's baby eats from her belly button. :)
