Sunday, January 8, 2012

Our little Picasso

Isla has become quite the artsy one lately. I think this is one area where she takes after her Dad. We got her this cute paint-your-own rubber ducky set for Christmas and she was dying to break into it right away.
 This was her first time using paints and I think she did quite well if I do say so myself. This magnificent piece of work is her new bath time buddy. 
 Graham let her loose with the paints on some paper too and thinks her creation is frame-worthy. I haven't taken a picture of it yet but I think it's about time we figure out a way to display and rotate her works of art. Anyone have good suggestions?
 Graham always talks about the "Busy Bee Box" his mom made for him when he was young. It contained all things art-related and was a great way to keep him occupied. Isla received TONS of art supplies (stickers, coloring books, pipe cleaners, buttons etc) that I finally put in a little drawer for her as my version of a Busy Bee Box (I think she will soon have one at her Grandma and Grandpa Crozier's house too!). She asks always daily if I will "do a craft" with her. I am loving these special times together watching her create. She definitely takes the all or nothing approach, doesn't she? 


  1. I hung up a bunch of clipboards at our house and LOVE them for display kids pictures. Sort of like this:

    It works well at our place though because we have a picture rail and don't have to make a bunch of holes in the wall for them.

    good luck!

  2. ps. I just hung them up "as is" and they look great, no paint or numbers.
