Thursday, October 24, 2013

Emma: 26 Month

-Has so many adorable phrases like:
"I'm pummin' back" (coming)
"I got it!"
"Wait [for] me!"
-Often talks about what she will do "after I wake up"
-LOVES the monkeys at the zoo and says "see monkeys!" anytime the word "zoo" is mentioned
-Go figure, she also loves her monkey jams and wants to wear them every night
-Sleeps with Piggy AND Minnie Mouse now
-Was a little unsure of Jack in the first 24 hours. Me: "Do you want to bring Jack home with us?" Emma: "No!!" Thankfully, she's warmed up to him now and can't seem to hug and kiss him enough.
-Plays hide and seek with Isla
-Particularly enjoys hiding in the curtains and calls them her "castle" for some reason (all tall buildings are "castles" too)
-Loves her marble run and growing more interested in crafting and coloring

-Favorite book is the Farm book with flaps to open
-Finally getting air when she jumps
-A pretty adorable dancer
-Can work Apple electronics better than I can and tries to scroll down and see pictures on my PC by swiping her finger on the screen :)
-Recognizes the Starbucks logo and points out every store as we drive by (oops)

-Has eaten salad twice
-Loves meatloaf
-And "tookies" (cookies)
-Says "oww!" every time she gets her hair combed (we have big sis to thank for that one)
-Lots of pretend play. Even puts her animals and dolls in time out. And her Christmas ornaments down for naps...
-Likes to "nuggle" (snuggle) and is growing more affectionate with frequent unsolicited hugs and kisses for all
-Now knows what movies are and will ask to "Watch movie!" (particularly "Monsters")
-Can you say equestrian lessons? I'm pretty sure they are in our future. And princess pony parties. Daddy treated the girls to their first pony ride at the fall festival at Kelsey Creek and I think Emma's hooked. All week when asked what she wanted to do each day her response was "ride pony!" 
-Thinks there is something exceptionally special about Grandpa
-Discovered a new hobby of catching leaves and helicopters
-Not at all interested in potty training and says "No potty. All done potty" when we offer a chance to give it a try. We've started a sticker chart for each attempt but are not pursuing it hardcore.
-Will randomly say "Happy Birthday Mommy" or "Happy Birthday Grandma," wishing everyone around the table a very happy birthday. It's adorable, just like her!

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