Monday, October 7, 2013


"To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late, and to be late is unacceptable!"

Growing up, my pastor used to half-jokingly recite this quote at our high school Bible study and it feels pretty applicable to me today. You see, I don't do over-due. I like working ahead of schedule. And as of 1:45 AM this morning (which, by the way, I was awake to ring in), I have officially set a personal record of being pregnant the longest this time of all my pregnancies. Tomorrow is my due date and in my book, due date = assignment completed, check, all finished. I know, I know. Some of you go days past your due date and man, can I ever feel for you! But after getting my hopes soaring last Wednesday, I'm just done.
Thankfully, we've had a lovely sunny weekend so I did my very best to enjoy it and stay distracted (though really I had other plans for how we would spend it - I really want to give birth while the sun is shining!) On Thursday night, Graham and I went on one last date to Purple Wine Bar and then on Friday we had a our friends over for The Farmer's Plate mentioned in the post prior and homemade gnocchi. On Saturday, we went to Cafe Rococo in Kirkland for yummy coffee and french toast.
We meandered the streets of Kirkland and found a hat stand that provided the girls with some good entertainment for a while before we walked along the waterfront and went to the park.
After naps we randomly drove down to Woodinville Lavender Farm to see what the had there. The grounds were gorgeous and so we wandered a while with no real agenda. All the while, we've been carting our bags everywhere we go, ready for action at any second.
Yesterday morning I went for a run before church and was fully expecting something to happen later on in the day but it was again pretty quiet. I walked while Isla rode her bike around the neighborhood during Emma's nap and then the whole family headed down to the Kirkland Marina to soak in the sun and people watch (and of course Graham also jumped in - crazy boy!)
Needless to say, I'm trying really hard to be patient and stay busy but this limbo thing does not work well for me. I'm officially uncomfortable now and I don't know if I ever fell asleep last night... 
Anytime baby, anytime now!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! Only 2 weeks left to go, right??? Haha, sorry...this is coming from me, who did go a full 12 days after my due date with Charlotte. It was SO hard to wait and I was NOT very patient. Good job on having a very full weekend of distractions and enjoying the sunshine! Any time now........... It's got to happen at some point, right?
