Saturday, October 26, 2013

First week and then some

(3 days old and totally has his mama wrapped around his little finger...)
I think it's safe to say Jack had a lovely first week, getting to know the routine in the Crozier household. Though we did kick our activity down a couple of notches, we still were out and about quite a bit, which I think was good for all of us. Grandpa and Grandma Crozier brought us an enchilada dinner on day 3 and Grandpa got some special time with all three grandkids.
On day 4, I took him out for my first little walk to enjoy the sunny afternoon and discovered he loves being "cocooned" in the Ergo baby insert!
 I don't think any of us can get enough of this sleepy, cuddly newborn period!
On day 5, he sported this totally sweet hat, hand-crafted by cousin Stew (originally for Isla).
Later that afternoon, Grandma Wilson and I took the kids on a bus ride adventure to downtown Kirkland - it was a big hit!
Graham met us down there and then Grandma treated us all to gelato.
The sun popped out just in time for our outing so we headed for the waterfront to enjoy the fall colors and chase some ducks.
We really do live here. Amazing I know.
On day 6, Jack had his first Saturday sponge bath. And attended his first bachelorette party (but that's another story...)
Grandpa Wilson came down to pick up Grandma and was finally healthy enough to hold him for the first time.
Poor Grandma had to fight for cuddles and spent most of her time with us tending to the girls and the house chores but we tried to sneak her Jack every once in a while too
 This time around, I've done my best to "sleep when the baby sleeps," just like they always tell you. But sometimes it was truly impossible to sleep with this much cuteness right next to me! 
On day 7, we dressed him in his Sunday best and, amazingly enough, all made it to church ON TIME!
Other pictures worth sharing include this one where Jack went barking up the wrong tree so to speak...
And then a sneak peak of our multi-purpose coffee table...for some reason this just cracks me up!
On day 8, Jack had his first official pediatrician appointment (minus an extra little pop-in visit on day 3 when the postpartum clinic was worried about his jaundice level.) I'm proud to announce he gained 13 oz in 5 days and was well above birth weight at 9 lbs, 8 oz! No more setting the alarm to wake for feedings.
After the appointment, Graham and I took Jack along on a lunch date at Barking Frog. He slept through the whole thing...
...and we enjoyed some really good conversation and this amazing sweet potato ravioli with swiss chard and portobellos.
And this apple almond tart with cinnamon ice cream.
On day 9, we took him on date #2 (I know, I know, we're spoiled but it was Seattle Restaurant Week and we were getting GOOD DEALS!!) This time we went to Tavolata in Seattle and again he slept through the whole thing (I would highly recommend people really monopolize on the sleepiness of newborns and go out early! We finished sentences and everything - amazing!)
Hey! I must love this color scheme! He matches his changing pad (and diaper bag too if it were pictured)!
We are loving this little dude and his totally chillax personality!

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