Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Pre-Party Party

Well, last night was fun.  Graham and I got to enjoy some alone time together for a few hours at Overlake!  It was almost date-like except my gown didn't completely cover my back side and the deal didn't include any dinner.  Oh well.  It was good that we got to give the whole baby thing a trial run though because in doing so, we realized we didn't have any pants for Graham packed in the hospital bag.  He would have been wearing hospital scrubs in all our new baby pictures...  I had to chuckle because people must have thought I had the super star nurse, the one who walks the halls with his patients, holding their hands and putting his arms around them while all the other nurses sat around at the nursing station.

So I ran three miles yesterday morning and felt AMAZING.  It was raining  and gross out so I was only planning to do two but I was feeling awesome at that point so kept going a little further.  For the first time, I noticed a little tenderness in the upper joints of my leg which made me a little suspicious my body might be preparing for something.  The rest of the day was quiet and we even had a friend over for a playdate.  I had a few minor contractions throughout the afternoon but nothing significant.

Our friends left at 5:30 and it was then that the contractions started coming regularly.  They weren't bad but they were definitely there so I alerted Graham at work that something might be happening and fed the girls a quick dinner.  We were already planning to go to the Welch's house for a belated birthday dessert for Rachel so I called and asked if I could bring the girls by early, just so I wouldn't be alone in case things picked up.  Upon arriving, the contractions weren't slowing down so I called the hospital and told them what was going on and they said I should come in and get checked as we wanted to be SURE to get antibiotics in me with Emma's history of illness as a newborn.  Rachel graciously offered to drive me and the kids to the hospital in case things got stronger.  When we arrived, I met up with Graham who was just finishing his shift (how convenient!) and went up to the floor.

They put me on the monitor and the triage nurse checked me and I was only "2 and smidge" with a posterior cervix so they sent me walking the halls for an hour.  After looping the hall about 25 times (Graham was getting tired), we came back to triage for them to monitor my contractions again and see if they should admit me.  I was having them every 2-3 minutes or so but wasn't in much pain so in my heart of hearts I knew this probably wasn't it (though I thought that same thing with Emma and she was born 1 hr and 45 min later!!)  The doctor on call checked me and reported I was still only a 2-3 so we had a little pow wow about Emma's birth and history.  While I was lying there, the contractions started picking up so they opted to have me walk the halls one more time for an "extended labor check."  I had some stronger contractions during those laps around the unit but was still a little too cheerful and pleasant for it to be truly time.  Sure enough, once we returned to triage, I hadn't dilated any further so the doctor opted to send us home to get some sleep and then come back if anything changed.  He said he anticipated I'd have the baby within 24-36 hours (famous last words!) but for now I should take an Ambien and get some rest in my own bed.

I am told 3rd babies are like this.  Labor will start and slow and get you all confused and then BAM, baby will come in a hurry.  I guess time will tell.  But hey, on a side note, Ambien is amazing!  They had me take a pill as we were heading out the door and by the time we got home, I was loopy and could barely stand up I was so relaxed.  Maybe I was homeschooled but, can they give me a little of that when I'm in labor?  Sheesh, I must be a light weight!

PS, two days was a different story, but after last night, I'm REALLY ready to have this baby!

1 comment:

  1. So the bit about you having an ambien reminded me of my friends birth story... she went to the hospital, got checked, wasn't far....they gave her 2 ambiens (and she'd never had a single one before) and on the way home from the hospital her labor kicked into high gear.....they turned around and by the time she was set up in bed she slept through the whole birth. As in, she has no memory of it!! Crazy. Good luck! Can't wait to hear the news when that baby arrives! :)
