Friday, October 25, 2013

Isla: 50 Months

-Has grown extra affectionate with me this past month. She seemed especially aware of my heightened emotional state with all the false labor and stepped up to the challenge of making me feel loved. 
-Learning to be a "bucket filler" and all the different ways she can make those around her feel special. 
-Still wearing sundresses...everyday if allowed.
-Loves to accessorize - hats, necklaces, clips and now mittens!
-Can't get enough crafts!! Ever!!
-In the past 12 days since Jack's arrival, her artwork creations (on regular 8 x 11 inch thin paper mind you) have reached a height of 6 inches when stacked. I'm not kidding.
-Made these glitter pumpkins again this year and they were a real hit.
-Instructs you how to orient your paper when coloring.
-Keeps slipping artwork for me under my door while I take afternoon naps.
-Latest art involves cutting out objects (either things she's drawn or that she finds on papers around the house) then taping them onto another paper. We went through 2 rolls of tape in a matter of days! And our floors are always covered with paper confetti.
-Also loves to wrap and re-gift items around the house. Yesterday I received floss and a.pack of hair ties.
-Has decided gelato is the best thing on earth. She's already asking to have it on her birthday.
-Took and bus trip (to get gelato) while Grandma Wilson was here and had a blast. Now has a bus chart which she is rapidly filling with stickers every time she stays in her room until 7 AM. This is working magically!
-Plays so well with her sister, as long as she is organizing the play (which thankfully Emma is usually ok with). It warms my heart to watch their budding friendship. 
-Adores her baby brother.
-Endlessly energetic and needs lots of attention. All the time. This is proving challenging. Enough said.
-Apparently she is the queen bee at preschool, or so I am told by her father who has chaperoned a couple of field trips. This shouldn't surprise me, but it does.
-Officially the World's Best Flower Girl. I know it because she danced the night away until 10:30 PM, came home with raspberry stains down her front and a ripped dress. Talk about a party animal!

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