Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ping Pong Ball

This week has been nuts. Absolutely nuts. I feel like I don't even know what hit me. I am totally baffled and confused and feel tossed around like a ping pong ball as this third baby experience has been nothing like my other two. I am told this is "normal," that third babies are "naughty." But needless to say, after three trips to triage and numerous bouts of "labor" that have kept me up the good part of many nights, and tons of waiting, I can't help but be a little bit deflated. We have officially determined that my body doesn't play by any of the typical rules and all the medical offices in the city of Bellevue now proudly refer to me as "The Stop and Go Girl." I've lost track of the number of times I've met the 5-1-1, time-to-go-to-the-hospital rule (contractions less than 5 minutes apart, lasting at least 1 minute for at least 1 hour) so I am now opting NOT to time my contractions and instead just wait until it hurts. Really bad. Hopefully that won't bite me in the end. 

Yesterday, after a week of emotional highs and lows and ping ponging, we were finally able to establish a plan with my doctor. It started with a trip to triage after nearly 8 hours of contractions overnight. We spent some time on the monitors watching baby for signs of stress but received the "all-clear" to leave. Of course my contractions came to a near stand still once we made it up to the floor (they seem to be inversely correlated with my entering the hospital parking garage). Next we made a trip over to my OB office for an actual visit with my doctor. He checked me and I've finally progressed to a 4 (I've been dilated to 2 1/2 - 3 all week) which was good news my ears so badly needed to hear. Because I am now overdue, he sent me for a biophysical profile ultrasound that basically checks to make sure it is still safe for me to remain pregnant (they look at amniotic fluid status, blood flow in the umbilical cord, baby's size and that he/she is taking practice breaths). Baby passed with flying colors which gave me some peace of mind. They think they are overestimating since they couldn't get a good measure of the head (it was too low) but think baby is no bigger than 8 pounds, 9 ounces - hallelujah!!  

So for the next 24 hours, the waiting game continues. If baby hasn't come on his/her own by 7 AM tomorrow (Sunday), I will go in for an induction. I would so love for everything to happen on its own but also recognize the unpredictable nature of my silly body and know in the end it is probably the safest option to be in the hospital from start to finish to ensure that I get adequate antibiotics prior to birth. I would love your prayers that this baby decides today is the day and whips into action!

All this to say, we are left with only two real obvious options. Either: 

1) This kid is a BOY with the spittin' image personality of his father (no where to get to anywhere fast)


2) I'm cooking a baby GIRL who enjoys the finer things in life and sees no issue with spending her parents' money (who knows how much triage visits run these days....?)

Either way, I love this kid already and am SO EXCITED to get the show on the road and meet this little spitfire today or tomorrow! 

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