Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Interviews 2 and 3

Yesterday Graham had his final interviews at Children's Hospital and now we're both thoroughly confused. Don't get me wrong, they went great and I'm positive they loved him! However, we're not sure whether he should take the job (if offered) and we're not quite sure why this opportunity presented itself if he wasn't meant to pursue it. I usually helps me to write things out when I'm thinking something over so this post will be used to weigh the pros and cons.

-get to work with kids!
-get to work on the Seattle side (and hence getting the final incentive to start looking for a new home over there so we could be closer to our friends and church)
-managers seemed awesome
-would get to work slightly fewer weekends
-lots of variety as the position involved rotating between inpatient and the outpatient clinic
-opportunity to expand current cancer knowledge base tremendously (Children's is a teaching hospital and he'd have a steep learning curve)
-our future kids would have 100% of their medical expenses paid under their benefits as well as free childcare

-Graham loves his current job and coworkers, why would he want to leave? (They love him too!)
-he'd be working on the Seattle side and, for right now, we leave on the east side = bad commute
-he'd probably actually get paid less since he'd have to join the union and pay $700/year
-he'd still have to work weekends
-we don't have kids so the benefits they could potentially have doesn't seem to carry much weight in the debate at this point
-this would be more of a lateral move than an upward one

Hmm, I don't think either of us expected this to be so tough! So many things to pray about. We are feeling so open right now and willing to do whatever God may want with our lives but we're not feeling a clear pull in any certain direction. It's been a bit frustrating for me but quite honestly, I think my faith is growing as a result. I feel like God's shaping and teaching me to be willing to take my life day by day by faith that He is sovereign and has a perfect plan. And for those of you who know me at all, you know that I love to have my plans MAPPED out before I live them out so this unknown is proving quite challenging. I'm excited to discover where we end up!

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