Friday, November 1, 2013

Thankful - Day 1: Play

It seems at times that it has become somewhat cliche to create daily "I'm thankful for..." posts during the month of November but this year I'm feeling moved to participate. The days are getting shorter, the weather is growing darker, and I am in this postpartum period which is bound to feel heavier and heavier as the sleep deprivation accumulates. So, my goal is to focus on the beauty and joy in the small things and be ever-mindful of how incredibly blessed I am, even when life feels totally chaotic and overwhelming. Some days, all I might be able to manage is a single photo. Other days I might find time to throw in a few words too. But hopefully this daily exercise will help me be present and notice all the small things I have to be thankful for. 
Graham went back to work on Wednesday and the days have been wild and crazy. We've all been (mostly) fed and clothed but the days have felt hectic and completely tasky with minimal time for connection with any of the kids. So today I made it my goal to do something intentional with each child, even if only for a minute. This morning, while Isla was at preschool, I asked Emma what she wanted to do and she said "play toys!" Eventually she identified cars as her toy of choice so we set to work building a road out of books and driving our cars all around the living room. I forgot how much fun it is to play with a 2 year old!
During naptime, I had grand plans of eating lunch and emptying the dishwasher and folding the 3 loads of laundry that have been waiting since maybe Monday? But Jack was fussy and needed me so instead I chose to snuggle him to sleep instead. So worth it!
It was a gorgeous Fall day and I was determined to get out for a walk to enjoy it. As a little pick-me-up this afternoon, I treated myself to my first Peppermint Mocha of the season at Starbucks before walking around and playing at Juanita Beach Park. The kids were in cheerful spirits and it made for a lovely afternoon.
As we were returning to the car, I spotted this giant trail of raked leaves, weaving through the park. I looked around and there was no one in sight (who rakes a GIANT strip of leaves and then just leaves them there unattended - pun intentional!)?? On a whim, I did something so unlike me and unstrapped the girls and told them to have at it! Isla kept asking "why are you letting us do this?" :) You only live once!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic!! I love Isla asking you why you are letting them jump in leaves. Haha! So cute.
