Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thankful - Day 17: Friends

Tonight we had a bittersweet send off of sorts for our dear friends the Leverkuhns. We are excited for the new adventure that awaits as they move out of state but we are totally bummed at the same time. They, all with the Welchs, were one of the very first couple friends we made at Bethany and we've journeyed through the last 5+ years together as we've begun to grow our families. We've enjoyed many-a dinner party, games nights, long weekends in the summer vacationing together, birthday celebrations etc. etc. Us three adult couples were able to gather around (with the kids running around wildly in the background) and pray together tonight as we prepared to say our goodbyes. It was a sweet moment to pause and think over the friendship between our families and the incredible pleasure it's been to do "real life" together. We sure are going to miss them but wish them the very best!

1 comment:

  1. That little boy has a Graham look about him in this picture. Having good friends move is always a bummer but then you will have some friends in another part of the US to stay with when you travel.
