Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thankful - Day 26: Notes of Encouragement

I am oh so very thankful for the two very timely notes of encouragement I received today. I attempted to take on far too much and unfortunately it showed both in my blood pressure and my parenting. Because of it, I was feeling overall a bit down and inadequate and so the notes really hit home. The first one came from my husband in the form of a dry erase marker on the bathroom mirror. Since time is in short supply, we've resorted to mirror-writing to each other (you can do it while you brush your teeth - bingo!) to try and keep the romance alive. Today's note reminded me that sometimes God gives us more than we can handle on our own but it's NEVER more than He is able to handle and to lead us through. We (obviously) have a lot going on right now-new baby, little sleep, a third round of colds, job interviews, short patience and three little people who require lots of care and attention. In it all, I have been so quick to forget that I serve a mighty God who is waiting to lighten my load if I will only just give it up and let Him! The second note of encouragement came in the mail, totally unexpected but it brought me instantly to tears. There is nothing quite like a hand-written, snail mail card sent from states away to communicate I am thinking about you and I care about you. It's not any secret that this transition to three kids has been world-rocking for me. So often I'm finding myself beating me up for my failures and feeling selfish and guilty when my deepest desire is to just be alone. This note validated the thoughts I have been wrestling with to the core. It reminded me that though it may not feel like it, I really am pulling off the whole three kid thing. I so needed to hear that from a third party. I hope I don't come across sad and all woe is me in my writing. I have made a commitment with myself to speak and write honestly. When things are rough, I want to give myself the grace and liberty to say it. I don't have it all together. Hiding the challenges feels dishonest and goes against everything I hope to be fostering in myself and in my relationships with those around me. The reality is that this life is hard and beautiful and amazing and stretching and we are wading through a lot right now, slowly figuring things out, other times barely treading water. Of course I wouldn't trade it because in it all there is so much growth and depth but those things do not develop without struggle and hardship. And that's ok and normal. But still it's so good to hear others remind us of this fact which is why I appreciate those in my life who rally and say "Yes! This is hard but you're doing it! And you're doing a good job." So today I am grateful for the hard because it truly is my desire to grow. But I'm also super grateful for the cheerleaders who provide encouragement as I go.

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